
Severity: High

Description: This control ensures that no ACM certificate should have domain name with wildcard (*) character. ACM certificate with wildcard (*) character in domain name is not a recommended practice. The certificates with wildcard character domain names will be applied all the sub-domains which is not advised as per security guidelines.

Remediation Steps:

Perform following to ensure ACM certificates should not have domain with wildcard(*) character :

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console at

  2. Navigate to ACM console.

  3. For imported certificates, while creating the self sign certificate please make sure domain name does not contain wildcard(*).

  4. For requesting a certificate in ACM, click on Request a certificate button.

  5. Select either of the two options, Request a public certificate or Request a private certificate

  6. For public certificate, in step 1 add domain name without a wildcard(*) character

  7. Proceed with next steps with required settings.

  8. For private certificate On the Request a certificate page, choose Request a private certificate and Request a certificate to continue.

  9. On the Select a certificate authority (CA) page, click the Select a CA field to view the list of available private CAs.

  10. Choose a CA from the list. Choose Next.

  11. On the Add domain names page, type your domain name without wildcard (*) character.

  12. When you finish with next steps, choose Review and request.



Blue Hexagon Proprietary