

Severity : High

Description: This control checks if resources are close to the account limit to avoid resource launch failures. Azure cloud have subscription limits on the resources in a subscription. The ability to view resource usage against limits is helpful to track current usage, and plan for future use.

Remediation Steps:

Perform following to configure retention period for recovery point :

  1. Login to Azure Portal using https://portal.azure.com.

  2. Navigate to All services.

  3. In All services, Search for Subscriptions to filter and select the subscriptions.

  4. Select name of subscription from the list.

  5. Under Settings, Select Usage+Quota.

  6. To view specific resources following filter can be used to get required results.

    1. Resource types - to view specific type of resources

    2. Providers - resource providers like compute, network, Storage

    3. Location - Specific Azure location

  7. If need to increase default limit, Select Request Increase.


  • All resources have a maximum limit listed in Azure limits. If current limit is already at the maximum number, the limit can't be increased.


Blue Hexagon Proprietary