Severity: Medium

Description: This control ensures that the Multi AZ deployment option is enabled for High Availability of the database instance. In a Multi-AZ deployment, a synchronous standby replica is provisioned and maintained in a different Availability Zone. In case of unavailability of the primary database instance due to any reason, the replica of the same database instance is used.

Remediation Steps:

Perform following to update RDS availability zones :

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console at

  2. Navigate to RDS console.

  3. In the navigation pane, Click on Databases.

  4. Click on the Database instance to be modified, click Modify.

  5. Under Instance Specifications, set Multi-AZ deployment as Yes.

  6. Click on the Continue.

  7. Under Scheduling of modifications, select Apply Immediately.

  8. Click on Modify DB Instance.


  • This control is not applicable for AWS GovCloud.

  • Any modifications to AWS RDS Instances can be either applied immediately or can be scheduled to apply during next maintenance window. The above remediation guides to apply changes immediately.

Reference :

Blue Hexagon Proprietary