
Severity : High

Description: This controls ensures that emergency contact information is configured in the SRT proactive engagement support. AWS Shield provide for protection against DDoS attacks. To use proactive engagement, configure Shield Advanced health-based detection for a resource needed the SRT to monitor. It allow to specify 1-10 contacts for proactive engagement. The SRT uses the information to contact customer during a detected event that correlates with an unhealthy protected resource.

Remediation Steps:

Perform following to provide the emergency contact information to Shield:

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console at

  2. Navigate to AWS Shield console.

  3. In Overview page, under Proactive engagement and contacts, in the contacts area, choose Edit.

  4. In the Edit contacts, provide the contact information for the people that you want the SRT to contact for proactive engagement.

  5. Choose Save.

  6. Choose Edit proactive engagement feature, choose Enable, and then choose Save.


  • To use the services of the Shield Response Team, it requires additional subscription.



Blue Hexagon Proprietary